

Snap 2016-01-13 at 12.22.55

Growth in UK visitors to Austria

New figures show the growth in UK tourists to Austria was one of the highest recorded at 6% of the top nations coming to the country – putting the UK in 4th position. Find out more statistics on the Österreich Werbung website.

Snap 2016-01-13 at 12.23.42

Learn more about Austrian ‘green’ construction summer programme at Ecobuild

The team behind a pioneering summer programme in Austria which brings together the latest thinking in sustainable construction will be on hand at Ecobuild to discuss the course. Summer University Green. Building. Solutions. (GBS) is a unique opportunity for professionals and students alike the chance to discover more about sustainable techniques. It takes place over […]

Snap 2016-01-13 at 12.23.42

Economics summer school offers alternatives from the material world mould

In a world where internationalisation and diversity are key, the chance for UK students to head to Vienna for an economics summer school offers more than the chance to absorb the latest thinking on the subject. Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) is a thirteen-day programme that explores the economy of the future, and how […]

Snap 2016-01-13 at 12.22.55

Shepherd PR appointed to promote Austrian study programme

Our Austrian office has been appointed to promote a Vienna-based university summer school in the UK. We are working with the OeAD-Housing Office – which offers sustainable accommodation for students across Austria – to raise the profile of two summer schools, focused on alternative economics and sustainable building techniques. Taking place in July, the ‘Alternative […]

Snap 2016-01-13 at 12.22.55

Innsbruck in England

Die britische Fernsehsendung „The Jump“ hat Innsbruck in den Fokus Großbritanniens gerückt. Gefilmt wurde unter anderem in Ingls, Kühtai and Natters. Dieses Programm bietet Zuschauern in ganz Großbritannien gute Einblicke in die wunderbaren Möglichkeiten, die diese Region bietet. Kontaktieren Sie Frau Jane Shepherd, um zu besprechen wie wir Sie dabei unterstützen können, Ihr Innsbrucker […]